L.I.F.E. is a Not for Profit Agency dedicated to helping Adults with “special needs” lead dignified, healthy and fulfilling lives in the community
Supporting individuals with varying abilities to become one within the community.
To be the industry leader of choice by creating opportunity through multiple supports and services for all participants to succeed and achieve.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. View the Nondiscrimination Statement.
Our Services

Community Living
L.I.F.E. offers a variety of residential services in Baltimore depending on an individual's needs. Our residential services range from 24 hour support in a licensed agency home, to drop-in support in one of our homes, or an individual's own home.

Adult Medical Day
L.I.F.E. operates a day program for medically fragile individuals with developmental disabilities. Our Adult Medical Day Care program is designed to maximize the independence of the participants and to help maintain or improve their current level of abilities.

Meaningful Day
The Meaningful Day Program at L.I.F.E. Inc. is committed to helping our participants achieve their employment goals in an environment that safeguards their human rights, individual academic/vocational choices, and personal wellbeing.